About Sample Grab


About Sample Grab

Grab some PDF’s, get to know my work a little bit.

Within all of these samples, I am the sole creator. In “Design Changeup” I was the design system and screens creator of a project in which three of us worked together to come up with the best way to match what was happening in the vehicle’s head unit - one of my favorite projects I’ve ever worked on, with some of my favorite designers.

The Choice Hotels project was a massive project where the Creative Director had a basic design for digital and print, and I would create the system to show how those screens are re-sized across all aspects.

Ford Credit is the financial side of purchasing a Ford. If you want instant financing from a vehicle you’re interested in, Ford Credit can provide that as well. Global UX did a great job in creating a brand new Design System for Ford. On the Ford Credit side we implemented that great work that was done and created our Ford Credit screens based on that. We did the same thing with Lincoln Financial as well.

HDS I and HDS II are part of the Hurley Design Systems we worked on creating for Hurley Medical. The HDS I template is the piecing together of those components for real-life examples. HDS II’s Navigation file is the beginning stages of creating Header and Footer Navigation for the next phase of HDS.

A note on all of this work; none of this goes straight to design, and of course goes through research, wireframes, sketching, design, and execution.



2017: Before coming about the finalization of vehicle aligned theming (below), this is work related to a concept of that similar project but years prior.

The main ask of the project was to create a simple UX, which could work for every vehicle brand under the company - which is great, because we did a very similar thing for Ford and Lincoln years before this.


2019: In pursuit of the vehicle aligned project, we took inspiration from the vehicle design team, and tried to match very closely with what they were doing in the vehicle space.

The goal was to take an app we have that currently lives in the marketplace (GMA app which existed in Italy), and follow nearly identical UX, but make the UI work within what we have in the vehicles.

This PDF shows how we grabbed what we could from the head unit, and made it work as best we can within an app.


2017: Concept for the Hurley Design System (HDS) Part I - Template. This template was a result of taking the design system components and showing how they could live within a screen.

HDS went through many iterations before settling on a proper look and feel, but this variation of HDS is very cool because not only did we build the components for the design system we wanted, but we also gave a great example of how they could exist in real life.


2019: Concept for the Hurley Design System (HDS) Part II - Nav and Footers. The project is/was part of the continued improvement of Hurley Medical’s global site rebuilds.

After the successful launch of the first HDS, the next thing to do was to prepare for the build of a new HDS. We properly built HDS I very well, in that it’s super easy to maintain. HDS II follows that same process, but making improvements we see necessary / and easy to implement.



Bonus Stuff…

Part of a global rebuild of FCA’s app. I created the design system to encompass the companies suite of vehicle brands. This is the Input Fields information.


Further detailed information for the same FCA app rebuild, but for the details of Buttons.


At Lincoln, we used the work we did with GUX/Ford Credit, and applied it to Lincoln as well. We could keep the UX nearly identical, but skin everything for Lincoln very easily.


With the NGUAA App (essentially Stellanti’s app V.3) we were tasked with the possibility of having recalls pushed to the app and allowing the owner to schedule service for their vehicle. These are the wires for that task.


With new generations of cars beginning to come down the assembly line we began to focus on new versions of the app, and user personalities that would be using our future connected vehicles.


For our NGUAA app we were having trouble with previous IA that was making things difficult for our users, and we also ran into managerial roadblocks which made it difficult to implement change. One thing everyone can appreciate is results, so we new if we showed a tested idea, that it would be much easier to get buy-in across the teams.